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Digital Citizenship Resources

Digital Citizenship Resources for Parents

We know that with all the advantages the Internet can bring to your family’s life, there can also be pitfalls.

To help you talk with your children about Internet Safety and how to be a good Digital Citizen, the following Parent Resources are available on the Common Sense Media Website:

Cyberbullying Resources for Parents and Families

Once kids go online, their chances of finding cyberbullies, haters, and trolls is, sadly, quite high. Find age-specific guidelines, videos, and articles to help with tough conversations -- whether your kid is a bully or is being bullied. Common Sense Media answers all your cyberbullying questions, offering age-appropriate advice, school resources, and more from parents and experts.

Online Safety Resources for Parents and Families

To help kids maximize the Internet's benefits -- while minimizing the risks – Common Sense Media offers the latest research, tips, and tools on what really keeps kids safe. Which privacy settings should you use? What are the ins and outs of parental controls? Get tips on everything from the basics, such as smart usernames, to the big stuff, such as appropriate sharing.

Resources about Social Media Devices for Parents and Families

Getting a cellphone has become a milestone for most kids. Common Sense helps parents lay the groundwork for responsible cellphone use and manage the challenges and opportunities they bring. Learn how to decide the right age to get your kid a cellphone, set rules, choose the right phone and service plan, and stay on top of what your kid is doing on his or her phone.

Information on Setting the Parental Controls for Cable TV and Internet Providers:


Additional Common Sense Media- Digital Citizenship Family Resources: 

Social Emotional Learning & Digital Citizenship for Grades K-2 Students

Social Emotional Learning & Digital Citizenship for Grades 3-5 Students

Media Family Agreement


Digital Citizenship Preesentation